Take Their Word For It...

When it comes to energy, enthusiasm, and commitment to the profession, look no place else but to my friend and colleague, Juliana Weissbein. I’ve had the absolute enjoyable pleasure of seeing her ‘work the room’ at many AFP programs, and she is the consummate engager and professional. I LOVE working with her.
- Laura Fredricks, JD
Founder and CEO, The Ask
Juliana is not only an exceptional fundraiser, but an exceptional leader. What she has accomplished so far in her career is nothing short of amazing, and it’s clear she is not ready to rest on her laurels anytime soon. Her energy, thoughtfulness, and dedication come through in everything she does, and all of us at AFP were honored to be able to recognize her with our Outstanding Young Professionals Award.
- Mike Geiger, MBA, CPA
President and CEO, AFP Global

I have had the pleasure of witnessing Juliana's leadership. Her stalwart commitment to the fundraising industry is truly commendable. I am grateful for all that she does to better our community and bring us together. I am proud to be her colleague!
- Chantal Bonitto
Board Member, Women In Development New York
Juliana’s insight and determination know no bounds! Her leadership is strategic and she is tirelessly comitted to generating measurable results for the causes she is passionate about. She is leaving her mark on the industry and we are all better for it.
-Dorie Clark
Leadership Expert & Professor at Duke University School of Business, DorieClark.com

Juliana’s entrepreneurial spirit, strong leadership abilities, commitment to professional development, relentless pursuit of results, and drive for constant innovation demonstrate the positive attributes she brings to the fundraising profession and the communities she serves. She has proven that she is fully committed to a life-long career in the fundraising industry and goes above and beyond to excel as a leader within NYC philanthropy.
-Jethro Miller
Chief Development Officer, Planned Parenthood Federation of America